The full program of the event is now available here:
2nd China-Europe International Silicon Photonics Course and Symposium
28-30 May in Chongqing (China)
Companies are harvesting at an accelerated pace from the tremendous technological maturity demonstrated by silicon photonic technology. Mass manufactured silicon photonics products developed at low-cost using CMOS process toolsets are hitting market sectors such as optical communication, Lidar, sensing and medical. Silicon photonics is a young technology which is evolving at an incredible pace. Hence, there is a continuous requirement to educate, train and update the industrial workforce – R&D staff and management – about the latest developments in this dynamic field. China-Europe International Silicon Photonics Symposium and Course brings along industrial and academic technology leaders from the leading eco-systems in the world to bring a full spectrum of perspective about silicon photonics technology and its applications. The symposium will focus on perspectives with respect to the potential of silicon photonics in various application domains. The course will focus on deeper understanding of the technological and device concepts as well as on the scientific state of the art in this field.
- Strategic and technical decision makers from industry as well as their R&D staff
- Academic researchers with an ambition to move forward the state-of-the-art in silicon photonics or in applications enabled by silicon photonics
Silicon Photonics Course

Silicon Photonics Symposium

Read More About the 2-day Course
Note: The lectureres will be delivered via a live-stream. The participants can choose to join either online or at the CUMEC facilities.
Learn More about the 1-day Symposium
Note: The afternoon keynote will be delivered via a live-stream. The symposium will be held in Chongqing.
You can choose to attend the course only, symposium only or both
You can join the events either by physical presence at the event venue or online by joining the video stream of the event
Symposium Keynote Speakers

Prof. Roel Baets
Chair of ePIXfab
Professor of Ghent University – imec, Belgium

Dr. Wei-Ping Huang
Chief Scientist
HiSense Group, China

Dr. Xi Xiao
National Information Optoelectronics Innovation Center, China

Dr. Steve Beckers
Vice President
imec, Belgium

Prof. Jose Capmany
Founder of iPronics
Professor of Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

Prof. Peter O’ Brien
Director, PIXAPP
Professor of Tyndall National Institute, Ireland

Dr. Jin Guo
Vice President
CUMEC, China
Practical Details
Organizing Committee
Local Organizing Committee
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