Day 1: Monday, 3 July, 2023
Time (CEST) | Lecture details |
9:15 am | Introduction to silicon photonics Prof. Roel Baets (Ghent University – imec, Chair of ePIXfab) |
10:00 am | Coffee Break |
10:45 am | Passive functionalities in silicon photonics Prof. Dries Van Thourhout (Ghent University – imec) |
12:15 pm | Lunch |
1:45 pm | High-speed modulators in silicon photonics Dr. Laurent Vivien (C2N, Paris-Saclay University) |
2:45 pm | Coffee Break |
3:30 pm | High-speed detectors in silicon photonics Dr. Laurent Vivien (C2N, Paris-Saclay University) |
4:30 pm | Silicon photonics design methodologies Prof. Wim Bogaerts (Ghent University – imec) |
6:00 pm | Welcome drink + Group Photo |
Day 2: Tuesday, 4 July, 2023
Time (CEST) | Lecture details |
9:00 am | Programmable integrated photonics Prof. Jose Capmany (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) |
10:00 am | Coffee Break |
10:45 am | Photonic Integration based on Lithium-Niobate-On-Insulator Prof. Liu Liu (Zhejiang University) |
11:45 am | Integration of lasers in silicon photonics Prof. Gunther Roelkens (Ghent University – imec) |
12:45 pm | Lunch |
2:15 pm | TBA |
3:15 pm | Coffee Break |
4:00 pm | Silicon photonics for AI, and AI for silicon photonics – the good, the bad and the ugly Dr. Thomas Van Vaerenbergh (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) |
5:10 pm | Poster Session I |
Day 3: Wednesday, 5 July, 2023
Time (CEST) | Lecture details |
9:00 am | Plasmonics – An Enabling Technology for Ultra-Fast Communications Prof. Juerg Leuthold (ETH Zurich) |
10:00 am | Coffee Break |
10:45 am | Electronic-photonic co-design /co-assembly for high-speed transceivers Prof. Peter Ossieur (Ghent University – imec) |
11:45 am | Electronic-photonic co-design /co-assembly for high-speed transceivers Dr. Padraic Morrissey (Tyndall National Institute) |
12:45 pm | Lunch |
2:15 pm | Silicon and silicon nitride photonics innovation from academic labs Prof. Shankar Kumar Selvaraja (Indian Institute of Science) |
3:15 pm | Coffee Break |
4:00 pm | Bio-sensors in silicon photonics Dr. Diedrik Vermeulen (Siphox) |
5:10 pm | Poster Session II |
Day 4: Thursday, 6 July, 2023
Time (CEST) | Lecture details |
9:00 am | TBA |
10:00 am | Coffee Break |
10:30 am | Mid-IR silicon photonics Dr. Milos Nedeljkovic (University of Southampton) |
11:30 am | Processing light with sound in integrated photonics Prof. Raphael van Laer (Chalmers University of Technology) |
12:30 pm | Lunch |
1:30 pm | The new multimode optics – self-configuring circuits and fundamental limits for photonic structures Prof. David Miller (Stanford University) |
3:00 pm | Coffee Break |
3:30 pm | Silicon nitride-integrated photonics Prof. Victor Torres Company (Chalmers University of Technology) |
5:00 pm | Sponsored talks and lab visits of the Photonics Research Group |
6:00 pm | Commute to School Dinner |
Day 5: Friday, 7 July, 2023
Time (CEST) | Lecture details |
9:00 am | Silicon photonic foundries: perspectives from the providers and the perspectives from the users Dr. Patrick Lo Guo Qiang (Advanced Micro Foundry) |
9:45 am | Monolithic photonic-electronic co-integration Prof. Lars Zimmermann (IHP) |
10:30 am | Coffee Break |
11:00 am | Quantum silicon photonics Dr. Christian Haffner (imec) |
11:45 pm | Future trends in silicon photonics Prof. Roel Baets (Ghent University-imec, ePIXfab) |
12:30 pm | Lunch Break |