Silicon photonics is emerging as a game-changing technology that allows to implement optical systems in a very compact footprint. It is leveraged by the established CMOS technology and enables low-cost manufacturing of photonic and optoelectronic modules, not only for high volume markets but also at more moderate volume levels. Silicon photonics technology is a major research field in academia and in recent years has paved its way into industrial products as well. Functionalities such as optical transceivers, optical switching and many types of sensing have already been demonstrated. Now the technology is sufficiently advanced and is ready to implement complete systems for a wide range of applications such as datacom, consumer appliances, sensing, biomedical and defense. This course is targeted towards the engineers or researchers who wish to acquire a general understanding of the field of silicon photonics and its potential or who have the ambition to start prototyping a silicon photonics IC in a fabless way. The course covers the fundamentals of silicon photonics technology, its applications, sate-of- the-art and market potential by looking at its strengths and challenges. Silicon photonics IC technology, design methodologies, packaging and testing aspects will be presented by major European players in the field of silicon photonics. The access mechanisms of multi-project-wafer (MPW) services and the fabless prototyping mode will be covered in detail.

PART I:  Basic concepts, technologies, applications of Silicon Photonics

09:00-09:05 — Welcomen by Prof. Roel Baets

09:05-10:30 — Silicon Photonics and its basic building blocks by Prof. Roel Baets

10:30-10:45 — Coffee Break

10:45 – 12:15 — Applications of Silicon Photonics

Optical Transceivers based on Silicon Photonics by Dr. Lars Zimmermann

Spectroscopy and sensing based on Silicon Photonics by Dr. Peter Harmsma)

12:15-12:30 — Teaser session about Silicon Photonics Technology and Design Tools by Various speakers


(Demos and posters by the representatives of silicon photonics technology and design tool developers will be accessible during lunch break)

PART II: Silicon Photonics Design Methodology 

13:15-13:25 — Introduction to design flow of a silicon photonics project by Dr. Abdul Rahim

13:25-14:25 — Component, circuit and layout of design in Silicon Photonics by Dr. Abdul Rahim

14:25-14-45 — Fabless prototyping through Multi-Project Wafer (MPW) service by Dr. Amit Khanna

14:45-15:00 — Coffee Break

15:00-15:30 — Packaging of silicon photonics ICs by Dr. Peter O’Brien

15:30-154:45 — The ACTPHAST initiative for small and medium enterprises by Dr. Eva Ryckeboer

15:45-16:30 — Demo and poster session by technology and design tool vendors by Various speakers

16:30-17:00 — Informal interaction with speakers