imec-SiPhotonics passives MPW run EP5814

The imec SiPhotonics passives Multi-Project-Wafer (MPW) run, EP5814, is open for registration. Designs should be registered and submitted by September 15.  After this date, users will be given two more opportunities to adapt the design, following design rule checks (DRC) by Europractice, in the four weeks that follow the deadline.  A final, DRC-clear, version is required by October 13.  Participants are requested to use PDK version 2.1.0 for this run.  Starting with this run, block-sizes for passives runs will be harmonized with block-sizes for iSiPP50G active runs.  Prices per unit area will remain approximately the same as on previous passives runs.  Note that, due to a lower minimum block size, the financial threshold for participation has decreased.

imec-SiPhotonics iSiPP50G MPW run EP5863

Access to the imec-SiPhotonics iSiPP50G MPW run EP5863 is also open.  During the last year, we have seen a significant increase in the number of designs submitted to our active MPW runs. While this is very encouraging, it has also meant that our most recent runs have been at full capacity. While we work towards increasing the number of runs offered per year, we would like to emphasize that it is more important than ever to register your designs as early as possible. Registration for this run, and submission of a first version of the design, are due by October 20.  This implies an extension of the deadline that was initially published on our website by one week.

As for the passives run, users will have two opportunities to adapt their design in the four weeks that follow the deadline. Final, DRC-clear designs are expected by November 17. An update of the PDK for EP5863 will be made available by September 22 to users that have signed the design-kit-license-agreement. Designs for run EP5863 should be based on this updated PDK.

PIX4Life early access MPW
Imec’s Silicon Nitride photonics platform, BioPIX, will soon be accessible through early access MPW runs of PIX4life, an EU project. The PIX4life pilot line aims to offer an open-access manufacturing platform for photonic integrated circuits, especially targeting life-science applications at visible wavelength ranges. An early access MPW run on the BioPIX platform is expected to be organized in the first quarter of 2018.
Please refer to for more information, or contact us directly for enquiries.

A 3-day Europractice training session on Photonics Integrated Circuits (PICs) will take place from November 20 till November 22, in Leuven. A broad audience is targeted by the seminar format of day 1. The seminars will cover the PIC design flow, PIC technologies, MPW based fabrication, and packaging by speakers from imec, Europractice, PhoeniX Software, Synopsys, and leading PIC foundries of Europe. A limited number of seats is available on day 2 and 3 for hands-on work using design-automation software of PhoeniX Software and Synposys. Separate registration for the seminar sessions and the hands-on training is possible.
Please refer to for more information on the training, and for registration.